Social Media influencer, voice actor, and entertainer offers a unique look at deconstructing our opinions and how we form them in his new book Overthinking Everything About You: A Compassion Analysis and Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Workbook.
Examining the biases, prejudices, and traumas that form even our foundational beliefs and values, Josh Brandon walks the reader through a journey of self-discovery and encourages the reader to continue that process, using the tools gained from this experience. These skills and techniques can be used to think more critically about new information and help solidify your ideas.
"That's a hill I'm willing to climb and die on!"
We hear this phrase so many times, but we rarely consider what it means. All too often we find ourselves having climbed this steep hill of opinion, only to find out more information later that later makes us reevaluate our position.
Brandon says his book can also be a crash course in humility but can have a tremendous upside. “Pride often stands in the way of admitting we were wrong, but when we practice compassion and critical thinking, it will encourage others to as well. By being brave enough to admit when we have been wrong, we can empower others to show similar bravery”, Brandon states.
"If I only knew then what I know now..."
The exercises in this book can help begin to train your brain into what Brandon calls, “Big Picture First Thinking”. It’s a mindfulness strategy that ensures you’re considering everyone in your response rather than just focusing on what might or might not even affect just you personally. Very few issues we face only affect us individually, but life sometimes conditions us to wear horse blinders, focusing only on what we absolutely need to.
"Just step back and see the bigger picture..."
Recalibrate your mindset to see the bigger picture first and then step in closer to see how it affects you. In doing this, through the exercises in Brandon’s first book in the Overthinking Everything series, he says you can expect more positive outcomes.

Brandon says he hopes the book helps others along the way stating, “I’ve been through a journey of trauma. It’s a wonder I’m still here. I want that to count for something. Deconstructing is not always an easy process and having some help along the way is crucial.” For that, Brandon states that he is not a mental health professional and that his courses, philosophies, and books should not replace mental health counseling, for which he is an advocate.
“My journey is what it is because of a dedication to mental health, self-awareness, and seeking understanding. Most therapy costs money and isn’t an every day thing, so it’s beneficial to find “side quests” on your journey”, he says, referencing video games where the main point of the game sometimes leads you to alternate missions that help you accomplish, achieve, and obtain skills necessary for the overall story.
Overthinking Everything About You: A Compassion Analysis and Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Workbook is available on Amazon and through Sign up for Josh Brandon’s email list for updates on additional companion materials, like the audiobook, video companion walkthrough series, as well as the accompanying Challenge and Workshop series to follow.

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