New Release from Sir TalksALot “That Ain’t Great” Offers a Strong Clapback to MAGA

About "That Ain't Great"

This is a song I’ve had on my creative To-Do list for over two years.  For various reasons, I haven’t completed it until recently, and releasing this song certainly has been cathartic.  I think, like many Americans, the tenor and rhetoric of our socio-political atmosphere the last decade or two has been tense and problematic.  We’ve seen lies, bullying, and borderline sociopathic behavior from a group of people who insist that their way will make us “great”. 

What a word, right?!  GREAT!  We grew up with Tony the Tiger telling us his sugary frosted diabetes in a box was GRRREEEAAAT! and since then we’ve had a strange relationship with that word.  What IS Great?  We may not know for sure yet.  But, I argue in the new single from Sir TalksALot, we know what Ain’t.  

In my podcast, social media content, and books, I explore the ethical dilemmas we face when climbing these hills of opinion from which we can’t begin to descend to any sense of reality.  The COVID pandemic was a prime example – seeing many Americans argue about wearing a mask rather than simply wearing one because it MIGHT help.  Beyond mandates, PPE for profit, or global shutdowns, the right thing to do in the moment was clear.  That isn’t a matter of opinion – it’s a matter of common sense.  If you’re in a room with sick people and someone comes up and says, “please wear this mask as a precaution until we know for sure it’s safe”, who bucks up to that person and says, “I don’t care about the safety of others!”?

As I began whittling people out of my life over the last several years – finally doing away with the social convention that just because we worked together for three years fifteen years ago, I need to keep you on my Facebook feed – I began realizing that a great deal of the stress, anxiety, and tension was lifted out of my life.  I no longer dreaded hearing from those people who shared racist, sexist, ignorant, homophobic, xenophobic social media posts – who no longer showed any restraint or ethics in the spread of misinformation.  I was more at peace than ever before.  

Thus began the writing of “That Ain’t Great” – as an anthem of permission to “kick ’em all outta your life”!  Setting healthy boundaries is always important.  That isn’t creating a echo chamber.  Those are different things altogether.  “That Ain’t Great” is the perfect upbeat, bouncy, happy-sounding song with a lot of tongue-in-cheek snark, sarcasm, and flat out condemnation of what my 5th grade teacher Mr. Williams would call “stinkin’ thinkin'”.  

That Ain't Great Lyrics

I’ve got a smile ear to ear
and I’ll tell you How good I feel!
Great things happening in my life
Less stress, toxicity, anger and strife!

So, what did I do to get this luck?
I’m happier than I’ve been in all of my life!
It all started when I stopped giving a Fuck
About the people who wouldn’t care if I died.

You see, All I asked of them was just to wear a damn mask
to keep us all from getting sick and shut down.
They mocked our facts and science in their cult-like state. 
Now, That Ain’t Great….

I kicked them all out of my life
to give myself some peace of mind.
Booted their bigot asses to the curb
With a big smile –  we’ll be fine!

You see, I knew all along what they really were, 
complaining we’re not Great enough in “fuck your feelings” shirts…
Their feelings are easily hurt but WE’RE the snowflakes?!
Well, That Ain’t Great….


They stopped listening to scientists, 
decided that their brain was fine!
That high school grad’s got it figured out!
They had the cure this whole time!

You see, we knew all along what they really were
complaining we’re not great enough in “fuck your feelings” shirts
They claim they’re pro-life but want a cowboy state
Whoa!  That Ain’t Great.

I’ve got a smile ear to ear
and I’ll tell you How good I feel!
Great things happening in my life
Less stress, toxicity, anger and strife!

When we stood up and said, “Black likes matter!”,
they said, “Hey pal what about ALL of us?!”  
I said, “Hey buddy check yourself!  You’re the ones who said, 
“…to the back of the bus!”

They bash education but they can’t even use
that smarter flatscreen TV where they watch Fox News.
It doesn’t matter that their fed propaganda lies!
They’ll never admit they’re wrong for the sake of their pride!
They love their god almost as much as their gun!
So, it’s best all we cut-and-run! 
Prideful ignorance, bigotry, and a fascist state…

Well, That Ain’t Great…