A full-time voice actor, I own and operate my own business. Just prior to the Summer of 2016, I decided to leave my last successful career path, the automotive retail business where I had been a digital marketing manager. I wanted to focus on my dreams of being a full-time voice actor and a high school teacher. My wife wanted to focus on her dream of becoming a nurse practitioner. We decided that I would be a work-from-home husband/dad while she worked full time and went to school. Along with my own business, graduate school, and the responsibilities of being the “househusband”, I added the role of juggler as I balance everyone’s schedules. I am a personal chef, masseuse, chauffeur, errand runner, shopper, appointment setter, records keeper…the list goes on and on. This blog discusses things in that realm. My family is a blended one. My wife and I married in 2015 and we each brought a daughter from a previous marriage into one another’s life. Here, I will be talking about some of the successes and pitfalls we have found in being step-parents, a blended family, and individuals with diverse and often painful pasts. How I managed to go from a successful radio personality and programmer to successful automotive professional and digital marketer to starting my own business and working out of the home. Needless to say, I will be talking a lot about time management. I hope you enjoy reading!